Mountains and Flat Land

Drivng along 80, my nose was pressed up against the glass. I don't think I had ever seen 'mountains' so big and plentiful. It was mind boggling to see all the rock insides, the heights, and the valleys. Being from flat land with grass and wind, it was amazing to see so many trees. And rocks that were many times bigger than me. This was a magical new place.

Okay, I was eight. And I had seen mountains before. The ones called the Rockies in Colorado. But it was awe-inspiring to see the 'mountains' of Pennsylvania.I think it was a sort of shock to moving to a new place. Pennsylvania was something new and different.

Pennsylvaina is 10 years old to me now, but the mountains are still amazing. That one stretch of 80 is so beautiful and breath taking. Now, going back to flat land is more inspiring than it was 10 years ago. It's kind of nice to be able to see for several miles without having a hill in the way.

I guess my take away is that things look different in different perspectives. Moving forward and going backwards are a part of life. It just takes time and practice to know when which direction will be the most amazing and helpful.

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